20 Februar 2025
6 Monat zuvor
Außenministerium der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: Wir bringen unsere tiefe Besorgnis über die Eskalation im Nahen Osten zum Ausdruck
6 Monat zuvor
Der Präsident der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate gibt die Unterzeichnung eines umfassenden Wirtschaftspartnerschaftsabkommens zwischen den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten und Chile in Abu Dhabi bekannt
Axios: USA, Israel und VAE hielten in Abu Dhabi ein Geheimtreffen ab, um den Plan für den „Tag danach" zum Gaza-Krieg zu besprechen
7 Monat zuvor
Das Korps der Islamischen Revolutionsgarde (IRGC) des Iran hat einen unter der Flagge Togos fahrenden und von den VAE verwalteten Produkttanker mit 1.500 Tonnen Gasöl für den Seeverkehr abgefangen, teilte das britische Sicherheitsunternehmen Ambrey am Montag mit. Der Vorfall ereignete sich am Sonntag 61 Seemeilen südwestlich des iranischen Hafens Bushehr, sagte Ambrey. Ambrey fügte hinzu, dass der Vorfall wahrscheinlich nicht politisch motiviert war und nicht als „Kriegsereignis" eingestuft wird.
Bundesberufungsgericht in Abu Dhabi verurteilt 3 bangladeschische Staatsbürger wegen Aufruhrs zu lebenslanger Haft und 54 zur Abschiebung
UAE Attorney-General orders immediate investigation, trial for Bangladeshi nationals charged with rioting, disruption, property damage in the UAE
Emirates Communications Authority: A technical defect in CrowdStrike software may affect the work of the institutions that use it
The President of the UAE confirms, in a call with the Sudanese army commander, his country's support for all initiatives to end the Sudanese crisis
Präsident Selenskyj: 95 Ukrainer wurden unter Vermittlung der VAE aus russischer Gefangenschaft freigelassen7 Monat zuvor
Präsident Selenskyj: 95 Ukrainer wurden unter Vermittlung der VAE aus russischer Gefangenschaft freigelassen
7 Monat zuvor
The UAE condemns the terrorist attack in Mogadishuam
UAE Foreign Minister met Syrian Foreign Minister, discussed strengthening bilateral relations: WAM
Per @USTreasury, Iran' network of exchange houses & companies in HongKong UAE & Marshall Islands moved moved hundreds of millions for dollars’ worth of revenue from oil sales, currency exchangesThe money is then used to procure/develop drones & other weaponry
8 Monat zuvor
The UAE calls on Israel to allow more humanitarian and relief aid to enter the Gaza Strip in a sustainable and unhindered manner.
The UAE Foreign Minister calls for an international humanitarian movement to provide relief to the Palestinian people
8 Monat zuvor
UAE Foreign Ministry: We stress the necessity of an immediate ceasefire and ensuring safe access of aid to the Gaza Strip
8 Monat zuvor
UAE Minister of Energy: The UAE is committed to developing the energy sector
8 Monat zuvor
Das Außenministerium der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate: Durch die Vermittlungsbemühungen der Vereinigten Arabischen Emirate gelang es, einen neuen Gefangenenaustauschprozess zwischen Russland und der Ukraine abzuschließen, der 150 Gefangene beider Seiten umfasste.
New report from @SWISSAID says that up to $35bn of smuggled gold is leaving Africa every year, the vast majority of which is sent to the UAE
9 Monat zuvor
The UAE Foreign Minister warns of the danger of the worsening situation in the Middle East and the escalation of tensions
Israel's oppositon leader Lapid met with the Emirati FM in UAE, and spoke with him on the hostages deal. Israel PM Netanyahu has not visited the UAE since returning to office last year
US Department of State: .@SecBlinken is in Riyadh to discuss efforts to reach a ceasefire in Gaza that secures the release of hostages as well as work to build lasting peace and security in the region. He'll also join @WEF's special meeting on global collaboration and a Gulf Cooperation Council meeting
10 Monat zuvor
Dubai Airports announces the return to work with full capacity of manpower, logistics and facilities
A FlyDubai flight that was headed from Dubai to Tehran appears to be turning back. Some reports that other flights are leaving Iranian airspace as well10 Monat zuvor
A FlyDubai flight that was headed from Dubai to Tehran appears to be turning back. Some reports that other flights are leaving Iranian airspace as well
10 Monat zuvor
CEO of Dubai Airports: Dubai Airport will open its doors again from six in the morning
10 Monat zuvor
The Saudi Crown Prince and the President of the UAE stress the importance of making efforts to prevent the situation from worsening and to spare the region the dangers of war
10 Monat zuvor
Dubai Airports: 17 flights canceled due to weather conditions and 3 flights diverted to other airports
10 Monat zuvor
The President of the UAE and the King of Bahrain discuss ways to intensify efforts to achieve a ceasefire in Gaza, provide protection for civilians, and ensure the delivery of adequate aid in a sustainable and unhindered manner.
10 Monat zuvor
Video seen by AP shows helicopter raid on ship near Strait of Hormuz; Mideast defense official says Iran behind attack
UKMTO Incident 063 Boarding: UKMTO has received a report of an incident SONM northeast of Fujairah, United Arab
Emirates10 Monat zuvor
UKMTO Incident 063 Boarding: UKMTO has received a report of an incident SONM northeast of Fujairah, United Arab Emirates
Iran and UAE FMs had a phone call over Gaza and bilateral relations10 Monat zuvor
Iran and UAE FMs had a phone call over Gaza and bilateral relations